“In order to heal, we must first understand” - Bessel Van Der Kolk

Yoga with JordyMay

I am here to be your most accepting friend, to help guide you on your practice. Yoga is a form of self expression, and I enjoy offering a practice that helps you express your creativity. I love an invigorating sweaty class or restorative reflective class. Both styles benefit the body in such amazing ways. I enjoy bringing in philosophical ideas that reflect on the history and teachings of the ancient yogis. I also work with a deep understanding of anatomy and physiology to practice in a safe and well educated environment to suit all bodies.

My goal is to evoke creativity and emotion in my classes. I want to offer a sense of exploration on a level that will best serve you and your healing. We are all on our one journey, but it is easier when you are supported with a community that may not understand but their acceptance is enough. I feel that the more we embrace diversity the better off we are in society. The more we embrace the need for self-love the more authentic we are in life. Lets work to be our highest self TOGETHER, and elevate the collective!


Vinyasa Yoga

Who is this for? — All levels (modifications demonstrated)

In all of my classes I like to focus on a few key things, but my vinyasa flow classes there is so much room for freedom with today’s modern yoga. Stemming from the teacher, Pattabhi Jois, in the 20th century as a new form of traditional yoga coming from India. Vin in Sanskrit means life, and yasa translates to practice, so it is theoretically the practice of life. This style of yoga is guided by the breath. Each movement is a breath creating a flow like state between the mind and body.

My vinyasa classes are a range between beginner and difficult with room for modifications to suit all levels. Incorporating the traditional practices of pranayama (conscious breathing) and meditation. Sequencing designed to challenge the physical body and mind all while supporting the detoxification of the body working with the different physiological systems in the body. Vinyasa can be very invigorating and if you’re someone who likes to move or gets bored in classes because they move too slow for you, vinyasa is probably your answer.


Why am I different?

I feel that individuality is crucial. No two bodies are built the same. Similar to diet, you must find what feels good for you because you are the only person that can be in your body. I feel that encouragement to explore and play with the alignment of a pose is very important when teaching(still being aware of safety). I want to inspire my students to learn how it feels to be in their body, rather than rigidity and constraint within their practice.


Embodied Flow

Who is this for?— All Levels. Good for someone with the need to slow down; either physically or mentally. Suitable for beginner yogis or advanced.

My slow flow classes combine the concepts of vinyasa and restorative. I enjoy the breath-guided movement with longer holds in certain postures. We move in one active meditation. You will explore the different planes the body can move to activate the spine. You will hold and embrace the comfort… or discomfort of postures, to better understand the body. You will learn how to let go and embrace the silence of this class. Slow flow is all about the intuition, slowing down just enough that you can actually feel the body tell you exactly where to go. The goal of this class is to enter the parasympathetic nervous system for the most relaxation, while connecting to an intention you can weave into your practice. Props will be used to help you find the best version of the pose for your anatomy.

Jordan truly understands the importance of set and setting in my yoga practice. She focuses on curating an entire experience designed to bring the class inward. Everything from the temperature, lighting, sound, and even the smell are thoughtfully done. Walking into her class feels sacred, it clears the fog of everyday stresses and realigns my personal ambitions.
— Gianni Ottone