Nutrition Coaching

My Theory

We are all wonderful biological beings, that are the home for billions of microorganisms. Not only is our body considered our temple for our consciousness, but it is literally the home of billions of organisms that help to make up you. I feel that by living in tune with nature we will maintain a healthy homeostasis to work at optimal level. Though, recent circumstances with the average diet we are moving further and further away from the nutrients of nature. I believe it is time for us to come home. Come home to the divine right to our health supported by Mother Earth’s offerings.


My Method

I like to take a holistic approach with my clients. Not only focusing on their nutrition, but by focusing on all areas of life to create a well rounded and methodical plan to achieve optimal health. I am a certified Integrated Institute of Nutrition (INN) health coach.

When working with nutrition we will focus on a lifestyle shift to maintain positive choices for our overall health. This transformation comes with a mental evaluation that will focus on areas like your food, self love, community, work, relationships and spirituality just to name a few. Rather than taking away foods and habits we crowd them out slowly to ensure there isn’t a lack of one thing, but a healthier replacement. Holistic healing is such a powerful way to reduce chronic illnesses from the root or dis-ease.


Core Beliefs 

1. All bodies are different… one diet does not work for all.

- You must find the diet that works with your biological clock and your real life schedule.

2. Eating should be fun, and it can be!

3. When you embody the ways of NATURE you will receive healing

4. Food is your medicine, and with the right nutrition you can heal and empower yourself. You literally are what you eat!!

~ When you are eating living foods you will

be living vibrantly ~



Nutrition Consultations

Free 15 Minute Consultation (one time)

  • A short and sweet call to see if the needs will be met on both ends of the coaching. A time to feel if my technique resonates with you.

Initial Assessment: $80

  • This is where we review your lifestyle choices. Looking back at your health history and what your new goals are. This is done in a 60 minute meeting that can be done over the phone or in-person. After the meeting, I work on a more detailed game plan that we review in our second meeting.

Follow up Assessment: $40

  • Follow up sessions are 30 minutes this is where we go into how we can move forward and what tools we want to use to work for our best health.

Monthly Health Coaching: $150


  • 2 Coaching Calls 30 minutes (sessions can be in-person if in Monterey, CA)

  • Virtual monthly health topics and dharma talks to educate with resource lists

  • 60 Minute Private (fitness, yoga, reiki- 1 per month)

6 Month Commitment: $975


  • 2 Monthly Coaching Calls 30 minutes (sessions can be in-person if in Monterey, CA)

  • Full plan for lifestyle and health overhaul

  • Virtual monthly health topics and dharma talks to educate with resource lists

  • 60 Minute Fitness Private (1 per month)

  • Grocery haul - pantry re-vamp