Private Sessions 

  Each session is curated to the clients exact needs, to promote the most optimal energetic healing session. It is an opportunity to practice presence and resilience as we move together. My focus in every healing experience comes from a place of understanding mind, body, and spirit, and how we can mesh the three into our time for optimal balance.

~ Feed your soul by committing to your health ~

Work one -on-one

  • reiki

    ground into the universal healing energy with this traditional ancient japanese healing technique.

    reiki helps to heal emotional blockages, physical and mental traumas, improve mood, pain and anxiety relief.

    through gentle touch and breath you are guiding through this session.

  • sound

    a journey to deep listening.

    a space where slowing down in celebrated through vibration. connect to deep restoration through a wide range of healing instruments like the gong, alchemy bowls, chimes, drum and more.

    you will feel as your nervous system got a massage as you drop deeply into rest where the body can heal on a cellular level.

  • breathwork

    rewiring old patterns and enhancing mental health and spiritual connection.

    breath is a powerful tool to dig deep into the subconscious mind where we can work to explore past wounds + trauma, release emotionally and get to know the Self better.

    a journey also intertwined with healing touch and sacred sound.

  • movement

    our body keeps the score and they constantly working to protect us. these holding patterns store in our cells and through somatic movement we can find and flow through these stored energies.

    i work with many different practices to shift our state back into the present moment and cherish the times were we can say we are truly listening to the bodies innate wisdom

Privates Pricing

Yoga & Pilates

$50 - 30 Minute Private

$90 - 60 Minute Private

$320 - 4 pack of privates ($80 each)

Group Privates - please inquire for pricing is different depending on group needs.

Sound Healing

Each sound healing is unique and includes an opening prayer and meditation that is tailored to the intention of the session. I use a wide range of instruments, as well as, moments of silence to find grounding within the body. After the session there is an integration time to share and return back into the physical self.

Sound healing can have profound effects on our physical and emotional beings, including reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure and improving sleep.


$100 - 60 Minute Session

$130 - 90 Minute Session

$175 - 45 Minute Yoga followed by 30 Minute Reiki Healing Session